What to know before your first visit to Morocco?

Morocco is a popular travel destination in Africa and the maghreb. To get the best of your visit, this is what to know before your first visit to Morocco.


decent private clinics ($20+ a visit), and free public hospitals (in a terrible shape, to be avoided). Water is drinkable, although better to stick with bottled water (0.5$/L).


Morocco has a mostly mild from fall and winter season from October to May; and then it gets boiling hot in the summer months especially around July to September.


ATMs are everywhere. Exchange rates are decent at both banks and street sellers.


Women alone are often starred at and unfortunately maybe harassed as well. It is better to dress conservatively and beĀ assertive. Speaking badly about Islam or Royal family likely gets one in trouble. Must bargain aggressively for everything when buying. Con-men are waiting for you, so watch out and never accept anything before negotiating the price in touristic spots.


Alcohol available in most hotels. Bars to be avoided as they usually attract mostly alcoholics. Hashish made from cannabis plant is widely available.


Tamazight and Moroccan Arabic are the official languages, however French is widely spoken and used everywhere. Internet is available in major cities and can be a problem in smaller cities. Buying a local sim card (iam) with data when arriving is a very smart idea.